Orchard Hungary is an archive

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Orchard University course in the 2013. spring semester ended today

Tags: Orchard, Orchard HUN, Óbuda University, Orchard Subject, session

As you may have heard, the Orchard Hungary Team hosted a university course at the Óbuda University's John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics this semester. The course started in the middle of February and ended today with the "final" 9 participants (forming 5 teams) presenting their projects. Let's see them in the order of presentation:

  • a website's design which hosts tutorials for a certain image editor application, mostly theme development
  • a personal website for a stylist with a nice theme and a custom-developed voting module
  • a website built around recipes with self-developed content and some theme development
  • a website for buying and selling car parts with a more complex module and some theme development
  • a website for ordering pizza with self-developed content and some theme development

We really enjoyed this few months and consider it all quite successfull, we hope the same goes to the participants as well :). All those who got to the "finals" and participated in a project got good marks, with an average of 4,22 (from 5).

Thank you for taking our class:

Zoltán and Benedek

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