Orchard Hungary is an archive

This site is now an archive. We'll keep it so the content is accessible, but we won't update it anymore. However, we frequently publish Orchard-related news on our other site Orchard Dojo, so be sure to check that out instead. And if you're interested in news about our Orchard development company, Lombiq, check out our website.

About Us

The Orchard Hungary Community Team consists of three university students, studying "Computer Science and Engineering" at the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics of the Óbuda University in Budapest, Hungary. Our primary goal is to introduce the Orchard CMS to Hungarian developers and users, but from now on, in addition to this, we wish to help everyone else in the world to explore the opportunities of Orchard.
Check out our modules in the Orchard Gallery: The Orchard Hungary Team.

The Orchard Hungary Team

All three members of the team study computer science and engineering at the Óbuda University in Hungary.


  • Name: Zoltán Lehóczky
  • Interests: web development (ASP.NET and Orchard, PHP), AI, history (Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and its navy force), sailing, swimming, scuba diving
  • Developer of multiple Orchard modules
  • LinkedIn profile


  • Name: Tamás Szecskó

Benedek Farkas:

  • Name: Benedek Zs. Farkas (aka nightwolf226)
  • Interests: .NET C# programming (Orchard, Windows Phone 7), astronomy, artificial intelligence, Formula-1, horror movies, samurai and viking traditions
  • LinkedIn profile