Orchard Hungary is an archive

This site is now an archive. We'll keep it so the content is accessible, but we won't update it anymore. However, we frequently publish Orchard-related news on our other site Orchard Dojo, so be sure to check that out instead. And if you're interested in news about our Orchard development company, Lombiq, check out our website.

Orchard Harvest 2012 - Status update

Tags: Orchard Harvest, Orchard Harvest 2012, Orchard

A few fragments of information on this year's Orchard Harvest conference:

  • we're 99% sure, that the exact date is the 8th and 9th of September (Saturday and Sunday)
  • location: Santa Monica, Los Angeles, CA
  • one of the community members organises our accomodation (which may include some discount due to the number of participants)
  • the cost of attending the conference is 100$ itself

Please visit the official site of the convention for more information (will be updated continously beginning next week).

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