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Content part development checklist

Tags: content part, module development, development

Make sure you don't forget anything if you develop a content part. Here's a high-level checklist you can run through so you don't forget anything:

  • The part class itself
  • Part record
  • Migrations: for the record, and if the part should be attachable, also for the part
  • Handler: with at least the necessary plumbing for the record
  • Driver: needed even if you only intend to use your part from code (by "casting": contentItem.As<MyPart>())
    • Display and Editor methods
    • Importing/Exporting
    • Don't forget to add a Prefix!
  • Placement.info with Place elements for the display and editor shapes
  • All the necessary shape templates (views)

Forgetting Placement.info is a common issue; don't waste your time!

Happy content part development!

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  • Xeevis said

    I created a basic template to start from so I don't forget anything. Would be cool if there were official VS2012 starter kit and templates for different things out of the box. Like DotNetNuke and several others have.


  • Piedone said

    Have you published the template?

  • jlchereau said

    This checklist works for a simplistic display-only content part.

    I still struggle to find a simple tutorial/check list for a content part that submits content (create, update, delete) in the user front-end (not the admin dashboard).

  • jlchereau said

    I should add that the comments module has such a content part but it is fairly complex to dissect.

  • Piedone said

    Of course this checklist is for content part development, not for frontend content item management.

    Do you know the Training Demo module? https://orchardtrainingdemo.codeplex.com/ Its ContentsAdminController (https://orchardtrainingdemo.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Controllers/ContentsAdminController.cs) contains a detailed example of how to manage content items. It's an admin controller but that only means it's only reachable from the dashboard: the techniques used are the same for the frontend.

  • hcalboru said

    Hi Piedone,

    I agree with jlchereau we need a "simple" demo module with CRUD operations on the front end. Especially with N-N relationship, and content2content relationship.

  • Piedone said


    really, take a look at the controller I linked. Although it's not "simple" (it not only contains the very basics but also some more complex querying) but it fully contains content item CRUD. As I mentioned, for the frontend nothing is different in these terms.

    Relationships are a bit tougher, especially if they should be versioned. If you don't want to store relationships yourself, I'd advise you to take a look at the Taxonomies module (now bundled with Orchard, in the latest source) or at Associativy: http://associativy.com/

    If you'd like some hands-on help we'd be happy to give you some online guidance or have peer programming sessions, see: http://english.orchardproject.hu/Training/

  • jlchereau said

    Could you recommend me a skilled Orchard developer as it might be more efficient to subcontract development? You can contact me at orchardproject[#!]@[#!|]memba.org.