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Live from Orchard Harvest 2013 - Amsterdam (Part 3.)

Tags: Orchard Harvest, Orchard Harvest 2013, Amsterdam

Back to Harvest again, second day, first half! See the previous post here.

Our second day started with Sebastien's keynote (or rather, stand-up show) about the latest additions to Orchard (what will be part of the upcoming 1.7 release), demoing, among others, the new killer Workflows and Media Library module as well as smaller but nevertheless important additions and fixes. BTW although 1.7 is not yet here, you can well test out the latest source from the 1.x branch and play with it, provide early feedback. The source is quite stable and usable in production (make sure though that there's no existing new bug that is blocking for you).

Bertrand's and Brett's co-session following was about the quirks of e-commerce. It can seem as simple first, but it isn't... Bertrand shared experiences he had when building the e-commerce solution for Nwazet purely on Orchard. Brett showed the slightly different approach used at Onestop of having customer and product data in an external data source and querying that from Orchard via web services.

Zoltán from Lombiq has spoken about the basics of localization inside Orchard and how to approach if you want to have the UI or content of your site localized.

Samuel from Hellocomputer talked about the various experiences his team had (and still has) with building the website for the South African Toyota dealership, tuning performance, building rich UIs and complex structures of content.

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