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YesSQL, ecommerce and APIs - Orchard Harvest Summit 2012 - Part II.

Tags: Orchard, Orchard Harvest, Orchard Harvest 2012

Sébastien's session has finished. After that we were introduced to a few modules that were developed by Orchard community members with help and consultation of core developers. Then we heard some information about upcoming Orchard versions.

Sébastien presented YesSQL, a document-storage database system he built upon SQL. This system could be quite useful for Orchard, since each ContentItem consists of multiple ContentParts, which are stored in different tables. Because of the default lazy-loading behaviour, getting data of each ContentPart is a different query. A document-based DB, where each entity is stored separately, but parts are bundled into one document, can handle more effectively those ContentItems used in Orchard. As much as we know now, YesSQL stores each ContentItem in a DB table, in which each ContentItem is a separate row and the ContentParts and their data are stored in a JSON serialized string. Or something like that. :)

Before lunch break, Bertrand had a session about ecommerce. He presented the webshop module that is the spine of his Nwazet store and then Brett introduced us to the commerce solutions used by Onestop. This is the approach that will be the base of the SpyOptic webshop and is a hybrid solution: an Orchard system communicates with an existing WebForms-based item storage system via web services.

Now we're watching Sipke as he introduces us to the basic APIs of Orchard.

All of the sessions of the conference are recorded and will be published for watching later.

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