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Setting up and Orchard site in IIS Express 7.5

Tags: Orchard, IIS, maintenance, brotip

I am going to show you a step by step how-to about the configuration of IIS (Internet Information Services) Express (version 7.5) to host an Orchard application, based on our first experiences with site maintenance. On the following episodes of this 3-part series we will also look at Visual Studio "one-click" (well, actually 3) Web Deploy, IIS URL Rewrite and Orchard.Email + Windows SMTP Server. But let us start with the basics, fire up IIS! We'll use IIS Manager.

1st step: Creating an Application Pool
  • in the right-side menu click "View Application Pools" and then click "Add Application Pool..."
  • fill in the form: Name: eg. "CoconutPool"; .NET FW version: v4.0.30319 (at the time of writing this); Managed pipeline mode: Integrated; and then click OK ("Start application pool immediately" is checked by default)
2nd step: Shutting down "Default Web Site"
  • or delete it, but it may come handy later to check your server's availability
  • expand the server structure tree until you find the "Default Web Site" under "Sites", click on it and click "Stop" on the right-side menu (under "Manage Web Site")
  • this step is only necessary if you want to use port 80 with your Orchard application or and other binding that is used by the "Default Web Site" (see "Bindings" under the site's settings)
3rd step: Creating the Orchard website
  • in "Sites" click "Add Web Site" in the right-side menu, and fill in the form: Name: eg. "CoconutSite"
  • now, while you're typing the name of site, the "Application Pool" property is also filled up (and if you haven't created an AppPool, it will be created with that name), but in our case the name of the AppPool and Site are (intentionally) different, click "Select" and choose "CoconutPool" from the list
  • browse the Orchard.Web folder for "Physical Path"
  • after clicking OK, you may get a warning if you use a binding (default: port 80) that is already used by any other site(s), even if they are stopped

Aaand it's done! Click on the name of site under "Sites" and click on "Browse" on the right to see your site in action!

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