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Crowdin: Managing translations for Orchard

Tags: Orchard, Translation, Localization, Crowdin

Earlier this year the decision was made to shut down the localization tool on orchardproject.net for technical reasons. We had a couple weeks of "downtime" in that state during which we could download the translations we had before, but there was no way to edit or update them (other than doing it manually, which is a tedious and error-prone task). Unfortunately writing a new tool that suits our requirements for managing translations was a no-go due to the lack of development resources in the community (time, most of all) - though it turned out that it was not a bad thing at all!

A little later the idea emerged on the forums by a community member that an external tool may fit our needs to replace our translation tool: after examining the possible candidates along specific requirements (e.g. permissions, API for translation management, free for OSS) we came to the conclusion that Crowdin solves all our problems. Applying for a free, open-source licence was fast and easy, so we're enjoying the benefits of Crowdin for a couple of months now and we're happy to recommend Crowdin to manage translations for any project!

Initially we launched the Orchard CMS project (hosting the translations for the Orchard source) which has now over 100 contributors and 4 languages with 100% translation (a total of 39 languages with any translation). Not long ago the Orchard CMS Gallery project was also launched, which is the home for 3rd-party modules and themes for Orchard.

If you'd like to apply for translating in either project, please visit the relevant language page(s) of these projects. You can also submit your own open-source module for the Orchard CMS Gallery project by contacting Benedek (benedek [dot] farkas [at] lombiq [dot] com), the manager of the translation tools. You can download the translation packages for each language by visiting the corresponding page on the Orchard website.

Happy translating!

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